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Saturday, May 05, 2007

My Big Sis came to visit me yesterday before flying back to Texas this morning to begin her road trip across the land of the free. She's visiting Gracelands tomorrow, so what better way to prepare than to drop in on someone who's no stranger to cheeseburgers and looks good in a jumpsuit. She told me she'd be here no earlier than 4pm and no later than 7pm, so naturally she rolled up at ten past nine, parked on double yellow lines, and made me carry in her case. Which then exploded all over my floor.

This is how my living room usually looks on a Friday night...

A Room With a View
... and here it is at 11pm yesterday, half an hour after Big Sis said "I just need to re-pack my case..."

Big Sis, Big Mess
It's like having children who won't go to bed. The irony is that I took that photo two minutes after she'd announced that it was looking a lot better. Prior to that I couldn't actually fit in the room with my camera.

Anyhoo, she may not have left until 1am, but it was nice to see her (and the contents of her case). Mainly because she bought me pizza. If only all visitors would do the same.

As for today, it's the annual Children's Parade through the streets of Brighton. The Brighton Festival website describes the "towering tableaux" as "spectacular", "climactic", "explosive" and "a riot", making it sound more like a terrorist attack than a parade. But still, if Lisa's three-year-old nephew can make it, so can I.